1st Completed BSJ!

I am SO excited! I really didn't think I'd be able to make this, but wow - it's easy! I stuck with my Blue Sky Alpaca Sportweight using the Pistachio color along with my leftover Taupe from the other baby jacket. And I just love the tiny gold buttons. It was really fun to knit, and I can't wait to try the Adult version!
More info on my blog: knittingiskneato.blogspot.com
Mental note: must practice finishing techniques. yikes.
Lovely! And thanks for your feedback on my post :) I think I've figured it out - I made an excel spread sheet (note to self - must find better things to do with spare time) and compared it to the notes posted on line... Now if I could only decide what order I want the colors in - I've frogged 3 times!
KnuttyKnitter, at 4:30 PM
Great job!
Anonymous, at 5:07 PM
Really cute! You should order Meg's new DVD on the Baby Surprise jacket!!!!!
Anonymous, at 5:42 PM
That looks great. Really nice colors.
Anonymous, at 7:07 PM
Well done - it looks great. The construction scares me a bit, but you've inspired me. You must be proud of yourself!!
Anonymous, at 1:48 AM
cute! love the colors.
Anonymous, at 11:36 AM
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