Thanks for the invite! My EZ project du-jour is Ganomy hats from Knitter's Almanac. Here's me and the boy wearing ours, made out of Lamb's Pride.
-But wait! There's more!
Also, I'm wondering about making an EZ sweater and steeking it. Has anyone steeked a sweater without a sewing machine? Is it worth it?

Those are great. And cute picture of you and the man.
Anonymous, at 5:43 PM
I have made a baby cardigan with crocheted steeks- it worked pretty well, but I would advise not using really thick yarn for the steek- can distort the edge a bit. There are instructions on the web- eunny jang has a steekin tutorial. good luck!
constructobot, at 6:47 PM
Eeek - steeks! I'm so scared to even attempt 'em, but the newest IK has an article/tutorial about how do to them well. Worth a gander.
Those hats are super cute :)
KnuttyKnitter, at 7:48 PM
I have never used a sewing machine to reinforce my steeks. I always hand stitch them. Mainly because I've never been able to figure out how to get a tube of knitted fabric thru the machine. I love steeks and they are not nearly as scarey as they sound. Just be sure to reinforce them and you'll have no worries. And I agree, Eunny Jang has a great steek tutorial. Good luck.
Emily/Knit Addictions, at 10:13 AM
what cute hats!!
Anonymous, at 10:28 AM
crocheted steeking is easy and I have found it works well. I also use thinner yarn, perhaps 1 ply of a 2 or 3 ply worsted, and I've only done it with 100% wool, but it works well!
Anonymous, at 11:31 AM
ganomy love! awww.
jess, at 6:31 PM
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