Saddle-Shoulder Sweater
This is my first post to the community, but I have been a fan of EZ's techniques since I received Knitting Without Tears for Christmas in 2005. This is the second pattern of hers I've knit from the book. The first was a pair of 36 stitch mittens, which I made into "glittens".
I'm currently working on my first saddle shoulder sweater and last night reached the point of uniting the body and the sleeves. I decided to put the sweater down at this point because it was late and I was a little confused by the directions for the saddle-shoulder. Re-reading the directions this morning I think I have it figured out, but being at work I haven't had the chance to test it out, so I thought that I might get some input.
So, here's what I'm understanding. You alternate consuming stitches from the body, the sleeve and then back to the body, the marked stitches are included in the decreases and you consume the stitches from body or the sleeve by using an SSK or a K2tog as appropriate? It seems so simple now that I write it out and it will probably even make more sense when I'm knitting. I guess my original confusion resulted from thinking about SSK or K2tog being used differently due to the direction they slant in, but here they're being used differently for where the stitches are being taken from. Correct?
Any input would be appreciated. Also, I love this community! It's great seeing everyone's projects!
I'm currently working on my first saddle shoulder sweater and last night reached the point of uniting the body and the sleeves. I decided to put the sweater down at this point because it was late and I was a little confused by the directions for the saddle-shoulder. Re-reading the directions this morning I think I have it figured out, but being at work I haven't had the chance to test it out, so I thought that I might get some input.
So, here's what I'm understanding. You alternate consuming stitches from the body, the sleeve and then back to the body, the marked stitches are included in the decreases and you consume the stitches from body or the sleeve by using an SSK or a K2tog as appropriate? It seems so simple now that I write it out and it will probably even make more sense when I'm knitting. I guess my original confusion resulted from thinking about SSK or K2tog being used differently due to the direction they slant in, but here they're being used differently for where the stitches are being taken from. Correct?
Any input would be appreciated. Also, I love this community! It's great seeing everyone's projects!
Sounds like you've got the concept.
I posted a photo here of a saddle-shoulder sweater. Should be toward the end of the December archive. Dark red and tan sweater, on an older guy (my father-in-law) standing in front of a Christmas tree. You can see some the decrease line and shoulder strap in the photo. (At least, you can if you know what you're looking at.)
Good luck, and I can't wait to see what you make!
Julie, at 12:11 PM
Yes, if I remember correctly, after you knit plain for some amount of space after joining, you create a diagonal line of decreases getting to your back width (eating body), then a relatively long line of decreases straight up (eating sleeves), then a bit more of a diagonal eating body before you saddle. It's been awhile....
Patience, at 7:25 PM
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