may the force be with you
Ya'll didn't know that EZ was into Star Wars did you? Well, I've finally finished an EZ project ! :

This is the reversible Very Warm Hat from her Knitting Around book. The fair isle motifs I found on the internet. Yeah, this is not for one of my sons but rather my 36 year old hubby who was begging me to knit him as Star Wars hat as soon as he saw Jessica's. I loved this loosy goosy pattern! I tried knitting the Norwegian Mittens but am having problems with it not being step by step. Reading over all your old posts is helping and I'm going to try to tackle them again. I also want to knit a seamless hybrid for my hubby too so I l'll hopefully be back soon with more pictures! Cross posts, more pictures, and the sites where you can get the Star Wars charts can be found on my blog. Thanks! Tiennie

This is the reversible Very Warm Hat from her Knitting Around book. The fair isle motifs I found on the internet. Yeah, this is not for one of my sons but rather my 36 year old hubby who was begging me to knit him as Star Wars hat as soon as he saw Jessica's. I loved this loosy goosy pattern! I tried knitting the Norwegian Mittens but am having problems with it not being step by step. Reading over all your old posts is helping and I'm going to try to tackle them again. I also want to knit a seamless hybrid for my hubby too so I l'll hopefully be back soon with more pictures! Cross posts, more pictures, and the sites where you can get the Star Wars charts can be found on my blog. Thanks! Tiennie
LOL!! That's terrific! Lydia
Anonymous, at 6:11 PM
You totally kicked my ass on the Star Wars hat front. Great hat!
Jessica, at 11:22 PM
I love it! I so loved Star Wars when I was a kid. Great work!
Anonymous, at 3:16 PM
Too, too cool. My little cousin would die of joy if I knit him such a thing. Maybe next year, if Star Wars isn't passe' by then. This year he'll have to be happy with some whacky mittens.
Sarah / Blue Garter, at 3:37 PM
Thanks all! You're too kind!
Anonymous, at 3:36 PM
Hi there! I was really hoping to see your chart/pattern for this hat...but it appears as though your blog is down..or is password protected.
Is this something that is still available? Thanks! - C
CiCi, at 9:01 AM
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