My first project - Ganomy Hat
I started it 2days ago.
Althogh there was strong enthsiasm as a beginner, it's so hard for me to figure out the likes of M1and SSK. They finally made me reknit the hat about 12 times before I found the illustrations of M1 and SSK with kind, clear explanations on the back of the book.
Anyway, I did it!! I think Ez's projects may be like some puzzles with the yarn to me. The moment I begin to knit the right shapings is way too exciting.
I wanted much of a pointy top so I started decreasings later than called for.
I wish I could try all the items in her book.
One more thing , before starting, I felt a little difficult about the numbers of GAUGE and just ignored it.And.... it's too small for me to put on. Don't I look like sort of Mr. Scrooged?
I realize I should check Gauge the next time I try..