Mitered Mittens
Yarn: Galway Colornep
Modifications: I added a lining by picking up stitches fron the wrong side of my long tail cast-on, (An EZ tip, but I do not remember the source.) and knit the linings exactly like the outers. I used the same size needles but sport weight yarn, instead of the worsted I used for the outer.
I like how you did the thumbs straight instead of angled as in the pattern. I assume it means cutting across several rows of knitting - how did you manage that?
ax174, at 9:33 AM
They're gorgeous! Great idea to line them.
Kate A., at 10:03 AM
actually, I just snipped the one rowas per the pattern. It angles slightly but not nearly as much as it does in the picture.
erin, at 10:13 AM
What a great tip about the linings - I'll definitely try it out. Lovely yarn, too!
Anonymous, at 12:58 PM
What happens when the mitten is on your hand? I was all fired up to make these, but then Bluestocking said that the center line pulls way over when you put your thumb in, and I think that might bother me aesthetically. I've been trying to think of ways (shortrows?) to keep it in the middle.
Sarah / Blue Garter, at 3:02 PM
Very nice! Warm and smartly made.
Jen, at 6:12 PM
handsome. pointy.
You almost inspire me to make mittens. I love the yarn, too!
Molly, at 8:23 PM
Like Sarah of Blue Garter, I'd also like to know if it pulls to one side when you put it on, as Bluestocking has observed with her pair.
ax174, at 7:02 AM
Unfortunately, these are ot for me and I cannot test out the center line pull. they were knit for a much larger hand. Although My husband did try them on. there was a pullof the center line in the palm of the hand, butthen they were tight on his hand. So, I'm afraid I'm not much help there.
erin, at 8:42 AM
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