Fishtrap progress
Alas, my husband will not be able to wear his Fishtrap cardigan on Christmas day unless the knitting gnomes come in the night and work up a couple of sleeves for me. I think I'm about seven inches from the top:

This has been a slow knit, thanks to all those traveling stitches, but I do like the way it's coming out. Slipping the stitches off the left needle to change their positions is creating a smoother traveling line than knitting them out of order on the needle. Here's a closer look at the pattern:

I just bought a 26" two-way zipper, which I hope will be long enough. The next size up was 30", which seemed very long, but I understand there are places online where one can order them in custom lengths. Does anyone have recommendations in case I need a 27 or 28" zipper?
Hopefully the sleeves will go relatively fast, since they only carry a single fishtrap motif and the rest of the rounds are straight purling. I'm determined that the hubby will get some use out of his Aran this winter!

This has been a slow knit, thanks to all those traveling stitches, but I do like the way it's coming out. Slipping the stitches off the left needle to change their positions is creating a smoother traveling line than knitting them out of order on the needle. Here's a closer look at the pattern:

I just bought a 26" two-way zipper, which I hope will be long enough. The next size up was 30", which seemed very long, but I understand there are places online where one can order them in custom lengths. Does anyone have recommendations in case I need a 27 or 28" zipper?
Hopefully the sleeves will go relatively fast, since they only carry a single fishtrap motif and the rest of the rounds are straight purling. I'm determined that the hubby will get some use out of his Aran this winter!
Your sweater is going to be a beauty! I haven't personally ordered from these folks, but I took note of this site when someone else recommended it long ago. One day soon, I hope to make a zippered cardigan. Good luck with yours!
Anonymous, at 12:21 PM
Anonymous, at 12:29 PM
There is a very good tutorial on sewing in zippers on Kristin Nicholas's blog. I have always admired that sweater. Please post finished photos!
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM
I've been knitting this one for myself for months now, so it's great to see some inspirational photos. Just finished another EZ project, so maybe I can get going again!
It looks beautiful, by the way. What are you doing with the sleeves - raglan or cutting?
Anonymous, at 1:36 PM
The sweater looks GREAT!
I 100% recommend He's fast and friendly (and I picture him wearing a measuring tape around his neck like an old-fashioned tailor) and he'll make any size zipper in a gazillion colors. I always buy from him.
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
The cardigan is going to be sooo beautiful, I am sure it will get much worn after x-mas. I believe the knitting gnomes are currently very busy.
If your zip is just an inch of, I would just leave that bit at the bottom of the front open.
Kucki68, at 10:56 PM
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