hi folks, pictureless today. this is really just a request for some really positive energy. the last few days have been rough ones and i need some prayers, to me it matters not what faith they generate from. i have had some issues with my pregnancy with my twin boys and now i have a body in protest. i will be heading to the hospital, where it is likely they will keep me for a bit. i ask that if you have prayers to spare, you send them my way to help keep these little guys in. i appreciate any and all, knowing the knit community, i have a feeling these boys will be receiving energy from all walks,stages and places of life that exist. maybe i will get some more posts in to update...let's hope i get the time i need to finish projects, etc. thanks folks....never have i felt as supported and included as i have since i started blogging
Absolutely, you are in my prayers that all will go well and according to the greater plan! Take care. Only think positive thoughts.
Nonna Rose, at 10:24 AM
Lots of love/good vibes/prayers headed your way from my direction as well. <3
Kate, at 10:27 AM
hopefully all shall be well. i shall think of you and knit in good positive thoughts for you and the boys and your hubby.
knititch, at 12:41 PM
Lots of positive messages out into the universe for you & your boys!!!
Rachael, at 12:44 PM
You are certainly in my prayers. I have just gone through exactly what you are going through and I'm making with the help of the blog community and family so I know you can make it too. You are in my thoughts.
Nettie, at 1:27 PM
I'm the mother of twin girls (now age 20!) and spent 7 weeks in bed in the hospital prior to their arrival. I wish you all the best and send prayers and energy your way. And feel free to email me with any twin-questions, anytime.
KnittingJones, at 1:44 PM
Big prayers your way.
[from a mama to twin boys, age 2]
earthchick, at 2:38 PM
I am including you in prayers. I hope you can feel the strength coming to you from all of us.
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
Best wishes to you and your boys!
Anonymous, at 3:17 PM
My prayer is that you are all three wrapped up in divine Love, God, good; so your every need is cared for, including all right function, form, and substance. I'll be holding that thought for you all and a normal, natural, smooth unfoldment for you and the blessed babes. Love, Andy
Sweazey, at 3:40 PM
Oh, yes! You are surrounded and lifted up. May peace and strength be yours in abundance! Please keep us posted!
Anonymous, at 4:22 PM
I will add my prayers to the rest.
Denise, at 10:02 PM
Sending lots of thoughts and prayers and good vibes your way.
MJ, at 4:54 AM
Count on my prayers,all through the days until we hear some good news. Don't worry about what you can finish, rest and be thankful for all the good Dr.'s and medicin today. All my love and God's Blessing to you, Rita
Anonymous, at 5:47 AM
Thinking of you throughout the days. Sending extra love and support to you and your two little guys. All the best.
Becky, at 6:09 AM
You will be in my thoughts and especially in my prayers. I pray that you will all emerge from this journey healthy and happy. I echo the comment about not worrying about "getting things done". Those things will be taken care of or not. They are only things and don't matter in the grand scheme. Know you are blessed.
Anonymous, at 9:22 AM
Sending you all my best wishes for peace, comfort, relaxation, and strength of every kind. May your whole family be well.
Sarah / Blue Garter, at 4:45 PM
Best wishes for you and your family from Switzerland. Take care. xox
Filambulle, at 1:06 AM
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